Bayside Academy

School Uniform

Our Academy uniform with logos can be obtained from Brigade, please speak to the academy office or order from their website:

The wearing of uniform should reflect the high expectations of the Academy, the child and the parent and carers. These uniform expectations must be adhered to throughout the whole academic year.

School Uniform

 Black skirt (knee length), black shorts or black trousers not black jeans, pinafores or dresses

White button-through shirt, to include a top button

Bayside navy jumper*

Bayside tie*

White socks or black tights with skirts, black socks with trousers and shorts.

Plain black sensible school shoes not boots or trainers

PE Kit

Plain black shorts

Plain white T-Shirt (no logos)

Sports trainers or plimsolls

Bayside PE bag*

Plain black tracksuit for colder weather

Please note: Indoor gymnastics will be conducted in bare feet.

Pupils in the incorrect uniform may be provided with items of clothing to change into in order to meet our school expectations.


All hair at or below shoulder length must be tied back at all times in school, but especially during PE and games lessons. Hair ties and headbands must be small and discreet and must be navy blue or black to blend with school uniform hair should be off the face, clipped back and not obscuring sight. Hair should be no shorter than a Grade 2 cut and pupils should not wear extreme hair fashions, including dyed or streaked hair and images or lines cut into the hair.


Apart from plain stud earrings and watches (which have an educational value in helping children to learn how to tell the time and take responsibility for their own time keeping), the wearing of jewellery in school is not permitted. Items can easily get lost or damaged, or may be the cause of injury. The school cannot accept responsibility for the loss of such articles.  Smart watches are not allowed in school due to their value and being a potential distraction from learning.

Jewellery in PE and swimming lessons

During any physical education in school, children must not wear any jewellery because of the safety aspect. Children must therefore either be able to remove earrings themselves, or not wear stud earrings to school on PE days. Please try and arrange for your child to have their ears pierced at the very beginning of the summer holiday so that by September no studs should need to be worn. As all children’s ears are different and the healing rate varies there might be the need to wear studs for slightly longer than the recommended time of six weeks. If this is the case, then the studs must be removed either by the child or parent before the PE lesson begins. PE and swimming are a compulsory part of the National Curriculum and children are expected to take part in all sessions.

Make-up and Nails

The wearing of make-up, nail varnish or false nails is considered inappropriate for a learning culture and is not permitted. Children will be asked to remove this.

All personal property should be very clearly marked with your child’s name.

*These items are to be purchased directly from Brigade Clothing.

NB – please ensure all uniform (including socks and coats) are named otherwise things are difficult to
return to their owner.